Thursday, January 29, 2015

Opening the door

"No home is too small that one more can not be invited.  Cozy is the new grand."  ~Jen Schmidt.

I have no idea who Jen Schmidt is, but I'm pretty sure we could be really good friends with a statement like that.

Today, I had the honor of having a couple of friends over for a playdate.  We made pancakes, taught small children about measuring and ingredients, and then turned our pancakes into polar bears thanks to powdered sugar, bananas and chocolate chips.  The kids love the activity and the yummy breakfast.

But, me?  Well, I just loved the fact that the house was crazy, chaotic, full of noise and mess and fun.  I felt honored that my friends would choose to spend their morning with me.  

I love nothing more than to have friends and family in my home.  I love cooking for them, caring for them, chatting with them, praying with and for them, and just being WITH other people.

I think sometimes we are really scared to let other people in.  I've learned to let go of that fear and bravely open my door, no matter how messy my house is, no matter how unkempt I am, or how weird my life is at that moment.  

I guess, I just wanted to encourage you to do the same.  Because, today, after the playdate I hosted, I received an invitation to visit with another friend at her home next week.  And, I have to tell you, it feels awesome to receive that invitation!  It makes me feel loved and important to be invited to someone else's home.

Hospitality is an important skill and a wonderful gift.  Maybe hosting doesn't come natural to you...I encourage you to try it anyways!  It's a great way to reach out to people.  Or perhaps you are a natural hostess, but you've been so caught up in the winter blues that you forgot to reach out!  I encourage you fight the doldrums by brightening up someone else's day!!!  Be bold!  Open your heart!  Open your doors!  And make someone else feel loved today!  

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