Monday, October 13, 2014

Little Birdies

Today, we are celebrating my 150th Blog Post!  Yay!  Thank you for journeying with me!  

To celebrate I am taking on a five day blog project.  Each day I'm going to take a picture of something in my house, and tell you the story behind it.  I share a lot about my life, but there is still so much to tell you.  :)

Today's item is a little one that is probably overlooked by everyone else that comes in to my home.  Honestly, I don't even know if David even notices it.  But I do. It sits right about my kitchen sink...and always has in the three houses we've lived in since were were married.  

Mr. Bluebird.  He was a gift from our dear friend Erin when David and I wed.  He's simple, beautiful, and classic.  And, because of the wedded bliss promised from a legend about bluebirds---he's always been a symbol of my love for my husband and our life together.  

My marriage is  a priority for me, and this little fella reminds me of that daily! 

So a couple of follow up questions---if you have been to my home, have you ever noticed this little birdie?  And, what do YOU have in YOUR home that reminds you of your priorities?


  1. That's lovely Sarah! I have not noticed your little friend before, but I'll be on the lookout for him now! Honestly, I can't think of a single thing like your bluebird that is a 'symbol' however I do look upon the faces in the photographs that line my walls and they always remind me of my blessings!

  2. I noticed it. :) I have seen birds like this before and love them. I would say pictures and sayings around my home are my reminders.

  3. I have not noticed your bird -- probably because you are such a gracious host I rarely seem to make it into the kitchen because you have everything set up before I get there. I'm going to need to start dropping in unannounced more often... lol As far reminders of my marriage, we have a framed copy of our wedding invitation hanging in the living room. I love to pause and admire it every now and then, and think about how far Brian and I have traveled since that day. :)

  4. I have never been in your house, Sarah, but I see you often at family gatherings. I have a plaque on a wall in my living room that states "FAMILY". Underneath this word is states "All Because Two People Fell In Love". Under the plaque is a picture of Art and me (and Kelley) and all is surrounded by many pictures of my family. I feel peace and comfort everytime I look at the wall. Oh, and, I have several glass bluebirds in my upstairs bathroom.!

  5. I have noticed it before, but only for two reasons, 1. I have stood in front of your kitchen sink many times, and never mind being there. 2. I used to have one, and I don't know what happened to it, as it is probably still packed from the move and that is the only time I wonder where mine went. Right now, we don't have much hanging in the house, but I will keep this in mind when we get to the decorating part of where we live.
