Monday, November 11, 2013

50 lbs!!!

I started this blog almost two years ago.  My very first blog post was about hitting 25 pounds.  I've been chasing after 50 pounds since then.  And today, about 19 months later, I finally did it.  Weight loss has been very up and down, back and forth for me.  It has not been easy.  There have been challenges that have just about sidelined me along the way.  My dad's stroke, changes in employment, working third shift, medical issues, marital issues, and just motivation issues.
Yesterday I had someone say something to me about me starting things and not finishing them.  While that may be occasionally true of me (and anyone else) I think that is not exactly a true representation of who I am.  When I set my mind to something that I really feel God has put as a passion (or an obstacle) in my life to teach me, I stick with it and I fight for victory, even if it takes me 2 years to lose 25 measly pounds.  
I would love nothing more than to shed the last 9.4 pounds to get below 300 pounds before Christmas.  What a great Christmas present that would be.  Judging by the time it has taken me to get to 50, it maybe even be my birthday in May before that happens.  But, the thing is, I'm still setting goals.  I'm still checking in.  And I'm still dreaming about hitting those milestones.
I am even more excited that I hit 50 pounds while writing my book.  I actually have been putting just little bits of exercise in my days since I had become a little more sedentary with the colder weather and my writing.  I will write 1000 words, then play Just Dance Kids with my kiddos.  I will finish a paragraph and then do some stretches.  I sometimes hop on my bike and ride before I even go downstairs.   I'm glad that I had the prompting to do those little exercises throughout my day, because I think they are the key to my success at my Monday morning weigh in this morning. 
I'm tough.  I'm persistent.  I don't give up.  I need to remember that even though this battle makes me feel incredibly weak sometimes, that I'm actually incredibly strong.  I'm accomplishing this.  With the help of family, friends, several accountability partners, my blog readers and all those who offer me random words of encouragement.  How exciting this all is!  


  1. Sarah you are amazing!!!!! I am so proud of you. I really wish I had that kind of strength! <3 hang in there mama

  2. You are a determined woman, with your eye on the goal - whether it is your health goals or writing a book. I'm glad you don't let comments by others sideline you.

  3. Congratulations to the amazing, unstoppable Sarah Rose!
